Tag Archives: South Korea

Super Typhoon “Kong-rey” Causes Widespread Devastation

MANILA/TAIPEI/SEOUL/TOKYO – As super typhoon “Kong-rey” continues its path through East Asia, it has left a trail of destruction in the Philippines, Taiwan, and South Korea, prompting urgent preparations in Japan for the storm’s arrival. In the Philippines, “Kong-rey” unleashed … Continue reading Super Typhoon “Kong-rey” Causes Widespread Devastation

Korea Independent Film Festival opens in Berlin

BERLIN – Last Friday, the “Korea Independent Film Festival” (October 25 to November 4) was inaugurated for the eighth time at the historic Babylon cinema in Berlin. This year’s festival features 10 Korean films, consisting of 7 feature films and … Continue reading Korea Independent Film Festival opens in Berlin

North Korea officially declares South Korea an enemy

PYONGYANG – In an unprecedented amendment to its constitution, North Korea has declared South Korea its principal enemy. This development marks a dramatic turning point in the already tense relations between the two countries on the Korean Peninsula. The state … Continue reading North Korea officially declares South Korea an enemy

North Korea cuts land connections to South Korea

SEOUL – The North Korean regime, led by Kim Jong-un, has announced a further escalation of its country’s isolation. The state news agency KCNA reported that all road and rail connections to the southern neighbor South Korea are to be … Continue reading North Korea cuts land connections to South Korea

Airport revolution: 100 milliliter liquid rule abolished

SINGAPORE – The world of travel is experiencing a significant change as the notorious 100-milliliter rule for liquids in carry-on luggage is being lifted at some international airports. This development is a milestone for air passengers, who can now look … Continue reading Airport revolution: 100 milliliter liquid rule abolished