USA: Massive tariff increases on Chinese goods

WASHINGTON – The U.S. government yesterday announced a significant expansion and increase in punitive tariffs on products from China. The measures, led by President Joe Biden, target a range of industries, including electric cars, semiconductors, solar panels, and protective masks.

Tariffs on Chinese-made electric cars will be increased from 25 to 100 percent. This is a significant step aimed at protecting the American auto industry from artificially discounted exports from China.

In addition to tariffs on electric cars, tariffs on semiconductors and solar cells will also be increased. Tariffs on solar cells from China rise from 25 to 50 percent. By 2025, tariffs on semiconductors are to be doubled to 50 percent. Tariffs for lithium-ion batteries for electric cars will rise to 25 percent.

The US government has also announced that it will provide greater protection for the heavy industry. Taxes on steel and aluminum will rise from 7.5 to 25 percent.

According to the American government, the new tariffs affect imports from China worth $18 billion annually. These measures are part of a broader strategy by the Biden administration to strengthen American industry and protect it from artificially cheapened exports from China.

The U.S. government will continue to work closely with its international partners to promote fair and equitable trade relationships and protect American workers and businesses. (zai)