Buenos Aires – The World Travel & Tourism Council and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have agreed a common agenda for Climate Action in Travel & Tourism (T&T). Announced at the WTTC Global Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina in April, the Common Agenda sets out a framework for the two organizations to recognize and address the linkages between Travel and Tourism and climate change.
This common agenda focuses on three central efforts. First, the importance of communicating the nature and importance of the interlinkages between T&T and climate change. Second, the need to raise awareness of the positive contribution T&T can make to building climate resilience. And thirdly, that actions to reduce the contribution of T&T to climate change must be based on meeting science-based targets. Speaking at the summit launch, Chris Nassetta, WTTC Chair and CEO of Hilton, stressed the particular importance of this last effort.
“Building on the global scientific consensus around decarbonization efforts that came out of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and WTTC’s subsequent call for the dialogue on carbon to turn to science-based targets, now it is time to turn that dialogue into action,” he said. “As Chairman of WTTC, I encourage our Member companies and the wider industry to follow the Paris Climate Agreement and incorporate its objectives into their own actionable science-based targets.”