USA and Europe: AI effects twelve million jobs by 2030

NEW  YORK – A recent study by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) predicts a remarkable development in the working world: millions of workers may be forced to seek new employment opportunities as artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly becomes capable of automating human activities.

This forecast is based on the assumption of a rapid introduction of AI systems in companies, which could affect up to three million jobs in Germany by 2030. This corresponds to about 7% of total employment. The study emphasizes the need to intensify training efforts to prepare the workforce for the upcoming changes.

The implications of this development are far-reaching. Companies must prepare for a restructuring of their workforce, while workers face new challenges and may need to adapt or expand their skills. The study points out that automation affects not only simple, repetitive tasks but also more complex professions that were previously considered secure. This could lead to a shift in the demand for labor, with creative and socially interactive professions possibly gaining importance.

The authors of the study call for a proactive response from politics, educational institutions, and companies. They recommend investments in education and lifelong learning to increase the adaptability of the workforce. In addition, stronger collaboration between the various sectors could help ease transitions for affected workers. The study suggests that by early identification of at-risk professions and the development of retraining programs, the negative impacts of automation could be mitigated.

The projections presented by McKinsey also show that this development is not limited to Germany. In the USA and Europe, nearly twelve million job changes could be required by 2030, which corresponds to 6.5% of the current jobs in Europe. By 2035, automation in the EU could even affect up to 45% of working hours. These figures highlight the urgency with which measures must be taken to prepare the population for the future of work.

In summary, the study by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) paints a clear picture of the challenges that the rapid development of AI brings to the world of work. It calls for a concerted effort to ensure that the workforce is equipped for the upcoming changes. This requires a vision for the future of work that considers both technological possibilities and human aspects. Only through such a holistic approach can we hope to fully exploit the benefits of AI while simultaneously steering its social and economic impacts. (zai)