Berlin – 20 years of experience in organizing B2B platforms to integrate new digital products and (sales) services at leading international trade fairs as well as climate change, which has meanwhile become very prominent in the general awareness, makes experts realize something that is as simple as it is logical. Jan Nintemann, CEO of TT-Messe, and initiator of the first IFA “Smart Green Marketplace” at STATION-Berlin, describes the current situation:
“Trade fairs all around the world present the future. No other activity anywhere in the world is able to promote environmental and climate-friendly business and action better than trade fairs – because this is where market players and decision makers display the technological and economic future.

At present, trade fairs are still predominantly harmful to the climate.This is a situation to which everyone involved in trade fairs will have to adapt and prepare as follows:
– sustainable organizers with sustainable trade fair regulations
– sustainable exhibitors with sustainable products at the trade fairs
– private and professional consumers and users requesting environmentally-friendly, sustainable products and services.
It becomes evident: In climate protection, all areas become connected: Locations, products, business + action, contents – climate change and the resulting pressure to act has an immediate effect even on lifestyles and identities of persons and societies.
The ISP conference program is therefore focused on “sustainable event management” on the one hand and, on the other hand, on the changed framework conditions for product managers and marketers of companies and brands (how can brands, for example, include the topic of climate in their marketing/advertising wording?)
Global warming can no longer be ignored – it is omnipresent in everyday life. The younger generation in particular, who have to live with the consequences of climate change, do not accept any more “business as usual”. Not only politics, also the economy has to set a new course as soon as possible: the important young consumer group will increasingly be choosing products based on the degree of harmfulness to the climate.
In future, all around the world this will basically also be the determining factor for all consumer and commercial goods and services: products which are harmful to the climate will feature less and less in a commercial context. By contrast, new climate-friendly, sustainable products, ideas and services will ensure sustainable growth. Logical measures to save the climate dictate such a development. The financial world recognized this a long time ago and, for years now (virtually unnoticed by the general public), has shifted its activities from business harmful to the climate to green, climate-friendly companies and services – because this is where money is to be earned in future.
In this context, completely new product ideas – whether new materials and substances with less plastic, intelligent mobility or use of smart technologies – will play an important role. The requirement now enforced by economics and politics, for example, to make all buildings completely climate-neutral within the next 30 years cannot be realized without SmartBuilding. The more technology is installed in buildings, the more smart control of the systems is required in order even to enable optimum resource-protecting, resource-effective and energy efficient business and action (SmartBuilding, Smart City, etc.).
Our “Smart Green Marketplace” in the showroom at STATION-Berlin (directly at the entrance) is to provide the trade, which is increasingly interested in climate-friendly products (because end consumers are asking for them), with a variety of new “green” products and ideas. At international level, it is to represent a B2B market place at two levels:
+ The business B2B area (products = trade fair part “Smart Green marketplace”), and
+ The conference and workshop part, which
1. is to demonstrate the status quo of climate change
2. informs about the possibilities, importance and requirements of sustainability at trade fair events, and
3. focuses on the marketer’s requirements for a new wording to address B2B and B2C customers due to the increasing awareness about climate change (including general knowledge and communication possibilities regarding climate change in the business world (= conference part).
Because the transition to sustainability also means that the entire life and business has to change – and will be changing – for everyone involved.
And all of this with both feet firmly grounded in reality – a true market place. Staying “finely tuned” to the market and knowing where to go – because 2019 very clearly marks the year in which general realization and awareness of inevitable, imminent global warming, and all its dramatic consequences for the future of humanity, has become priority number one.
There are most certainly no business opportunities in a world that may not even exist anymore. From 2019, the topic of climate is an unparalleled driving factor for (aware) humanity – this will be the focus of the “International Sustainability Park” (ISP) platform: to provide assistance, together with suppliers and customers, and, for everyone willing to go, to find the best possible and successful way into the new green world.
Ultimately the significant motivation of staff which can meanwhile be felt regarding sustainability has helped to prepare the way for clear progress in this direction. We cordially invite you to participate, and join us in our progress along this new road.”
More information here:
+ Presentation and Programm Sustainability ISP @ Global Markets – Workshop
+ Workshop booking