Stuttgart – The global economy is booming. In addition to low interest rates, exports are primarily responsible for this upturn. For years Germany has been exporting more than it imports. The value of exports to the American mainland alone has reached €106.8 billion. The USA is therefore Germany’s number one trading partner.
But what are the critical success factors for entering new markets? What special aspects must be considered in regard to foreign trade and services? On 20 and 21 June GlobalConnect will play host to the world of foreign trade in Stuttgart.
Germany’s largest Forum for Exports and Internationalization brings internationally operating companies into contact with service providers, chambers of commerce, company networks and business promoters from all over the world. More than 300 speakers, 120 specialist talks and 15 guest congresses on many different topics and various countries provide several sources of inspiration, a wide range of information and numerous possibilities to discuss opportunities for exports and internationalization.
Podium discussion with prominent guests at the start of GlobalConnect
At 09.30 on 20 June prominent guests will take part in a podium discussion at the start of GlobalConnect and will examine the latest developments on the topic of the “EU, the USA and China. Trade policy in the global power triangle.” The event will be opened by Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. She will welcome to the podium Winfried Kretschmann, Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, Joschka Fischer, the former Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, and Bernhard Mattes, President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). The discussion will be chaired by the journalist and author Dr. Hajo Schumacher.
GlobalConnect Business Congress
Should German industry fear Brexit? Or can it actually benefit? How can companies become fit for the future through cooperation agreements with innovative start-ups in times of increasing digitalization. How can international business processes be protected against espionage? In numerous events during the Business Congress, top-class representatives from politics and business will discuss the latest trends and developments on international markets.
GlobalConnect Conferences
Diverse GlobalConnect Conferences will provide an opportunity to obtain detailed information on strategies in international business and forge valuable contacts. The following Conferences will take place: 5th German-American Business Forum, Russia Business Day, Country Conference on Hungary, Spain and China, Customs Forum and edubiz Conference.
Cooperation Exchange and International Consulting Days
Germany’s export champions and top international experts will share their knowledge. New partners for international projects will be presented. The International Consulting Days (IBT) of the German Foreign Chambers of Commerce, as well as the Cooperation Exchange of the Enterprise Europe Network will be an opportunity to establish personal and business contacts. A large number of countries will offer free consultations. Interesting contacts can be forged during the run-up to GlobalConnect.
You can find the participating countries HERE