EU law that requires user-replaceable batteries

BRUSSELS  – A new EU law will require all mobile devices to have user-replaceable batteries by 2027. This is a major step towards reducing electronic waste and extending the lifespan of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other gadgets.

Background: Why user-replaceable batteries matter

Most mobile devices today have built-in batteries that are difficult or impossible to replace by the user. This means that when the battery degrades or fails, the device becomes unusable or needs to be repaired by a professional service. This creates several problems:

– It increases the cost and inconvenience of owning a device, as users have to pay for repairs or buy new devices more frequently.

– It contributes to the growing problem of electronic waste, as millions of devices are discarded every year, often containing toxic materials that harm the environment and human health.

– It reduces the user’s autonomy and choice, as they have to rely on the manufacturer or authorized service providers to fix their devices, and cannot use third-party or alternative batteries.

The new EU law aims to address these issues by requiring all mobile devices sold in the EU to have user-replaceable batteries by 2027. This means that users will be able to easily remove and replace the battery of their device without any special tools or skills. The law also stipulates that manufacturers must provide spare batteries at a reasonable price and for a reasonable period of time after the device is discontinued.

Implications: How user-replaceable batteries will benefit the buyer

The new EU law will have several benefits for the buyer of mobile devices, such as:

– Saving money and time: Users will be able to extend the lifespan of their devices by replacing the battery when it wears out, instead of buying a new device or paying for a repair. This will also reduce the need for insurance or warranty plans that cover battery issues.

– Reducing electronic waste: Users will be able to reuse or recycle their devices more easily, as they will not have to dispose of them when the battery fails. This will also reduce the demand for new devices and raw materials, and lower the environmental impact of mobile technology.

– Increasing autonomy and choice: Users will be able to choose from a wider range of batteries for their devices, such as higher-capacity, longer-lasting, or more eco-friendly ones. They will also be able to switch between different batteries depending on their needs, such as traveling, gaming, or working.

A better future: How user-replaceable batteries will shape mobile technology

The new EU law will not only benefit the buyer of mobile devices but also influence the future of mobile technology in general. Some possible outcomes are:

– More innovation and competition: Manufacturers will have to design devices that are compatible with user-replaceable batteries, which may lead to more creativity and diversity in device shapes, sizes, and features. Manufacturers will also have to compete on battery quality and performance, which may lead to more innovation and improvement in battery technology.

– More social responsibility and awareness: Manufacturers will have to comply with ethical and environmental standards for producing and disposing of batteries, which may increase their social responsibility and accountability. Users will also become more aware of the environmental and social impact of their device usage, which may encourage them to adopt more sustainable and responsible behaviors.

– More empowerment and participation: Users will have more control over their devices and their data, as they will not have to depend on manufacturers or service providers for battery-related issues. Users will also have more opportunities to participate in the development and improvement of battery technology, such as through crowdfunding, feedback, or co-creation.


The new EU law that requires all mobile devices to have user-replaceable batteries by 2027 is a significant change that will benefit the buyer in many ways. It will save them money and time, reduce electronic waste, increase their autonomy and choice, and create a better future for mobile technology. User-replaceable batteries are not only good for the buyer, but also good for the planet and society. (zi)