Nay Pyi Taw – Malaysia is taking part in the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, this year. The week-long ATF offers Malaysia a strong marketing platform to market and create awareness for the Malaysia Year of Festivals or MyFest 2015 to its ASEAN counterparts.
The Malaysia delegation is headed by the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Datuk Dr. Ong Hong Peng, the Deputy Chairman of Tourism Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Maznah Mazlan, and the Director General of Tourism Malaysia, Dato’ Mirza Mohammad Taiyab.
MyFest 2015 is a continuation of the Visit Malaysia Year campaign from last year, and aims to promote Malaysia’s cultural aspect as a tourist attraction. Themed “Endless Celebrations”, a total of 50 cultural events and festivities have been identified as key cultural attractions in Malaysia. The campaign is expected to significantly boost arrivals of tourists to Malaysia, with targets of 29.4 million tourist arrivals and RM89 billion in tourist receipts in 2015. Source: traveldailynews